Developmental and Wellness Coaching

Videos and Personalized Coaching. Help your child reach their developmental milestones and empower your child - and yourself- through movement.

For over 25 years, I have been teaching and equipping parents and caregivers to empower their children through movement. As a new mom (and still as a seasoned mom), I read everything I possibly could to learn how to help my children reach their greatest potential. I believe with all my heart that God has gifted every person with beautiful gifts and what a great honor as a parent and therapist to help your child develop and use those gifts to bring joy to the world around them!


As a pediatric physical therapist, I’ve been given a great gift of becoming an expert in typical and atypical baby and child development. I find it fascinating and even after thousands of physical therapy sessions, I have not lost the crazy joy that comes from helping a child reach their “first”-whether that be the first time they roll over, hold their head up, sit up, walk, run, or jump, It still makes me do a happy dance. What a privilege to be part of a child’s journey!


I want to share my expertise and 25+ years of tips and tricks with you. To be honest, social media has not been my favorite thing in the past, but I have found a new appreciation in it because it allows me to share my expertise in bite-size easy to understand chunks. I have so much I want to share with you to empower your child through movement:

-Baby and child development:  helping kids to meet their  “firsts” -those milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, running, and jumping

– Coordination, balance, and strength for babies and kids so they can play on the playground or be their best on the sports field

– Pediatric Fitness to get kids healthy, moving, improve focus and attention, and provide proprioceptive and vestibular input

– Mom/dad and baby/child fitness:  Fun, effective activities and strategies for parents and kids to do together to bond, have fun, and get fit, building coordination, strength, and balance

– Specific techniques and helpful information for parents of children with a wide variety and range of diagnoses such as torticollis, developmental delay, prematurity, cerebral palsy, and much more!

I have so much I want to show you, so be sure to subscribe to my KidsPTByTheSea channel on YouTube and follow me on social media @KidsPTByTheSea!

I can’t wait to teach you how to empower your child through movement!!!

Disclaimer: All Kids PT By The Sea social media content is for educational purposes and wellness purposes and does not take the place of medical care. You should always consult your healthcare provider or pediatric physical therapist about your or your child’s unique health needs before attempting any new fitness regimens.

Follow me on social media for more!


Intensive By The Sea